Linsy Aluminum

Aluminum Alloy

Aluminum Bar

1000 Series: 1050/1060/1070/1100…
2000 Series: 2014/2024/2A12…
3000 Series: 3003/3004/3005/3104/3105/3A21…
4000 Series: 4040/4027/4599/4143/4144/…
5000 Series: 5005/5052/5083/5086/5454/5754/5A03/5A06/5A05/5252…
6000 Series: 6005/6060/6061/6063/6082/6101/6005-A…
7000 Series: 7075/7005/7050/7A04/7A09…
8000 Series: 8011…

Temper: O, F, T4, T6, H112
Diameter: Φ1mm – Φ10,000mm
Length: 5mm – 20,000mm
Standard: EN AW/AMS/ASTM/GB/ISO9001

Leading Aluminum Bar Supplier

Linsy Aluminum is a top supplier of aluminum bars in China. We make bars with many different sizes and shapes. Our products include aluminum bars from the 2000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, and 8000 series. These bars are made to fit the needs of different industries. They are strong and can be used in many ways. You can use them in fields such as aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, defense equipment, packaging production, mold making, and other industries.


Linsy Aluminum Bar Spec

1000 Series: 1050/1100/1350 Aluminum Bar

2000 Series: 2007/2014/2017/2019/2024/2219 Aluminum Bar

3000 Series: 3003/3004/3103/3104 Aluminum Bar

4000 Series: 4005 Aluminum Bar

5000 Series: 5019/5052/5056/5082 Aluminum Bar

6000 Series: 6005/6013/6026/6060/6061 Aluminum Bar

7000 Series: 7005/7050/7075/7175 Aluminum Bar


Temper O, F, H111, H112, T3, T4, T6, T351,

T451, T651, T851, T7451, T74, T87

Diameter Φ1mm – Φ10,000 mm
Length 5-20,000 mm
Standard GB/T3880, GJB1541, GB/n167, JB2053,

GJB2662, ASTM B209, ASME SB-209, EN 485

Different Types of Aluminum Bar

1. Rectangular and Square Aluminum Bar

Rectangular and square aluminum bars are long shapes with straight sides and sharp corners. They are usually made through extrusion or cold-finishing methods. These methods create a smooth surface, making them look better and easier to use.

Key Features

  1. Shape and Profile:
    • Rectangular and Square Profiles: These shapes are strong and stable, making them good for building needs.
    • Straight Sides and Sharp Corners: This allows them to fit well in different constructions and assemblies.


  2. Production Process:
    • Extrusion: This method pushes aluminum through a mold to create long bars with uniform shapes.
    • Cold-finishing: This step enhances the surface’s look and size, resulting in a shiny and smooth product.


  3. Strength and Stability:
    • High Strength: Rectangular and square shapes provide strong support and are good for heavy jobs.
    • Stability: These bar shapes ensure they continue to work well when supporting weight.



  • Uses of Buildings
  • Making Products
  • Auto Industry
  • Airplane Travel
  • Structures



2. Round Aluminum Bar

Round aluminum bars are shaped like cylinders and have a smooth, round cross-section. They are made using hot rolling or extrusion methods, which gives them a uniform structure. Round bars are easy to machine and weld. This quality makes them suitable for various production processes.

Key Features

  1. Shape and Profile:
    • Cylindrical Shape: A round shape has even strength. It also makes it easy to handle and process.
    • Smooth, Circular Cross-Section: This helps with steady performance and looks nice.


  2. Production Process:
    • Hot Rolling: This method rolls the aluminum at high heat to get the right shape and size.
    • Extrusion: This pushes aluminum through a mold to make long, straight shapes with exact cross-sections.


  3. Machinability and Weldability:
    • Excellent Machinability: It is simple to cut, shape, and form. This makes it great for detailed work in engineering and manufacturing.
    • Superior Weldability: It can be welded easily, creating strong and lasting joints.



  • Creating products
  • Automobile Industry
  • Flying
  • Construction
  • Water Sector



3. Flat Aluminum Bar

Flat aluminum bars are rectangular and much thinner than they are wide. They are often made by hot rolling or cold drawing. These methods make the thickness uniform and the surfaces smooth. Flat bars are easy to shape, bend, and work on to fit various needs.

Key Features

  1. Shape and Profile:
    • Rectangular Cross-Section: This shape has a large surface and is thin. It works well for many jobs in building and industry.
    • Smooth Surfaces: It has a clean look and feel. This improves the appearance and performance.


  2. Production Process:
    • Hot Rolling: Aluminum is rolled at a high temperature. This sets it to the right width and thickness.
    • Cold Drawing: This method produces better quality with a smooth surface. It creates bars that are consistently thick and strong.


  3. Versatility:
    • Bending and Forming: It can be bent easily for special designs and needs.
    • Machinability: It can be shaped precisely for custom needs, offering many options in its creation.



  • Construction
  • Auto Industry
  • Flight Travel
  • General Fabrication



Description of Different Grades Linsy Aluminum Bars


1000 Series Aluminum Bars (1050/1100/1350)


(1). 1050 Aluminum Bar

1050 aluminum bars are very pure. They contain at least 99.5% aluminum. This alloy does not undergo heat treatment. People prefer it because it is easy to shape and does not rust.

Key Features

  1. High Aluminum Content:
    • 99.5% Pure
    • Not to be Heat Treated


  2. Easy to Form:
    • Simple to Shape
    • Adaptable to Various Fabrication Processes


  3. Corrosion Resistance:
    • Strong Against Corrosion Resistance
    • Lasts a Long Time


Applications of 1050 Aluminum Bars

1050 aluminum bars are used in many industries. This is because they have special properties.

  • Items that carry electricity
  • Pins and sticks
  • Rivets and connectors
  • Wire forms and clasps


(2). 1060 Aluminum Bar

1060 aluminum bars are known for being very pure. They contain at least 99.6% aluminum. This alloy cannot undergo heat treatment. However, it is appreciated for its excellent shapeability and its strong resistance to rust.

Key Features

  • High purity
  • Can’t be heat treated
  • Easy to shape
  • Good at preventing rust


Applications of 1060 Aluminum Bars

1060 aluminum bars are used in several industries. This is due to their unique properties.

  • Wires that move electricity
  • Pins and sticks
  • Pieces that hold things tight
  • Forms of wire and clips



(3). 1070 Aluminum Bar

1070 aluminum bars contain at least 99.7% aluminum. You cannot heat treat Aluminum Alloy 1070. It is often used in projects that require good shaping and guard against rust.

1070 aluminum bars are often used for electrical wires, pins, rods, and rivets. You can also find them in various wire shapes and clips.

Key Features

  • High Purity
  • Non-Heat Treatable
  • Good Forming Ability
  • Great Safety Against Rust


Applications of 1070 Aluminum Bars

  • Wires that carry electricity
  • Pins and rods
  • Rivets and other tools
  • Wire shapes and clips


(4). 1100 Aluminum Bar

1100 aluminum bars contain at least 99% aluminum. This shows they have very high purity and steady performance. This alloy cannot be heat treated. It is valued for being easy to shape and for its strong resistance to corrosion. This makes it a great choice for many uses.

Key Features

  • High Purity
  • Cannot be Heat Treated
  • Very Easy to Shape
  • Good Resistance to Corrosion


Applications of 1100 Aluminum Bars

  • Wires
  • Pins and Bars
  • Rivets and Clamps
  • Wire Shapes and Clips


(5). 1350 Aluminum Bar

1350 aluminum bars contain at least 99.5% aluminum. This shows they are very pure and work well. This kind of aluminum does not need any heat treatment. It is popular because it is easy to shape and lasts well. Many people pick it for electrical wires and other uses where saving money is more important than being strong.

Key Features

  • High Purity
  • Non-Heat Treatable
  • Great Formability
  • Strong Protection Against Corrosion


Applications of 1350 Aluminum Bars

  • Electric Wires
  • Pins and Bars
  • Rivets and Clamps
  • Wire Forms and Snaps


2000 Series Aluminum Bar


(1). 2007 Aluminum Bar

2007 aluminum bars are tough. They have a short-chipped quality and include 3.3% to 4.6% copper, magnesium, and lead. This unique blend makes them great for quick machining and threading jobs.

Key Features

  • High Copper Content
  • Short pieces of metal
  • Extra materials


Applications of 2007 Aluminum Bar

  • Machine Parts
  • Bolts and Nuts
  • Threaded Components


(2). 2014 Aluminum Bar

The 2014 aluminum bar is known for its strength and toughness. This is why it is popular in the aerospace field. Its great features and easy processing in some shapes make it a good choice for tough work.

Key Features

  • High strength and hardness.
  • Good machinability.
  • Common processing methods.
  • A very popular 2000-series alloy: 2014 aluminum is the second most popular alloy in its series, just after 2024 aluminum. It is well-known for its strength and machinability.


Applications of 2014 Aluminum Bar

  • Airplane Business
  • Parts of Buildings
  • Machine Parts


(3). 2017 Aluminum Bar

2017 aluminum bars are unique types of alloys that can be heated. They are known for being strong, easy to bend, and simple to shape. They perform better than 2011 aluminum. People like them because they work well and can resist rust.

Key Features

  • Heat-Treatable Alloy
  • Strong Strength
  • Good Ductility and Machinability
  • Good Protection from Rust

Applications of 2017 Aluminum Bar

  • Parts for planes
  • Parts for construction
  • Parts made by cutting and shaping

(4). 2019 Aluminum Bar

The 2019 aluminum bar is special because it has a lot of copper. This makes it very strong and good at handling heat. It also has nice mechanical traits. But, while it is strong, the high copper level makes it less resistant to damage from rust compared to alloys from the 5000 and 7000 series.

Key Features

  • High Copper Level
  • Strong Skill
  • Good Heat Resistance


Corrosion Resistance

  • Lower Protection from Corrosion: The high copper in 2019 aluminum bars means they have less defense against corrosion than 5000 and 7000 series alloys. Be careful when using this alloy in areas where corrosion can happen.


Applications of 2019 Aluminum Bar

  • The aerospace industry
  • Parts for buildings
  • Fast parts that function well


(5). 2024 Aluminum Bar

The 2024 aluminum bar is a strong mix made mostly with copper. It is known for being very strong and good at standing up to wear. Still, it does tend to corrode more than other aluminum types. To fix this, many 2024 aluminum bars have a coated surface to help with protection. You should not use this alloy for welding.

Key Features

  • Strong Power
  • Good Fatigue Support
  • Coated Surface


Application of 2024 Aluminum Bar

  • Aerospace Industry
    • Wing skins
    • Body panels
    • Connectors
  • Automotive Industry
    • Support arms
    • Knuckles
    • Wheel axles
  • Sports Equipment
    • Bicycle frames
    • Baseball bats
    • Climbing Equipment
  • Marine
    • Hulls and Masts
    • Ship Parts
    • Ladder
    • Railing
    • Fasteners
  • Structural Components



(6). 2219 Aluminum Bar

The 2219 aluminum bar is a strong metal known for being easy to machine and having good strength. It works well in many temperatures, from -452°F to 600°F. This range allows it to be used in various ways. The alloy is easy to weld and has good toughness, meaning it does not break easily. In the T8 temper, it shows even better strength against breaking due to stress.

Key Features

  • Strong strength
  • Wide temperature range
  • Good machinability
  • Can be welded
  • Tough against breaks
  • Strong against rust


Application of 2219 Aluminum Bar

  • The pieces for aerospace.
  • The pieces for buildings.
  • The parts made by welding.



3000 Series Aluminum Bar


(1). 3003 Aluminum Bar

The 3003 aluminum bar is a medium-strength metal. It mainly contains manganese, which gives it good formability and versatility. This metal is great for bending, spinning, drawing, stamping, and roll forming. It cannot be heat-treated, but you can make it stronger by cold-working it. However, this may make it less flexible.

Key Features

  • Medium strength
  • Good shapeability
  • Can be cold-worked
  • Strong against rust


Applications of 3003 Aluminum Bar

  • Gutters and Downspouts
  • Roofing
  • Siding


(2). 3004 Aluminum Bar

The 3004 aluminum bar is a strong metal from the 3000 series. It is stronger than the 3003 alloy because it has 1% more magnesium. You can also work this metal when it is cold to make it even stronger, which is great for hard tasks.

Key Features

  • High strength
  • Can be shaped when cold
  • Good strength and long-lasting
  • Strong defense against rust


Applications of 3004 Aluminum Bar

  • Beverage Cans
  • Rolled and Extruded Products


(3). 3103 Aluminum Bar

The 3103 aluminum bar is better than the 3003 alloy. It is stronger and can resist corrosion more. It has a high tensile strength of at least 275 MPa. It also has good elongation of up to 20%. This makes it strong against hits and flexible.

Key Features

  • Strong and tough
  • A good level of stretching
  • Better protection from rust
  • Good features for anodizing


Application of 3103 Aluminum Bar

  • Parts for planes
  • Parts for cars
  • Building cladding (This is commonly used for covering buildings. It is good because it resists rust and high heat.)


(4). 3104 Aluminum Bar

The 3104 aluminum bar is an alloy that is easy to work with. It is mostly used to make cans. This alloy is part of the 3000-series Al-Mg group. It has strong strength and can stretch well. These features make it useful for many jobs that require both strength and flexibility.

Key Features

  • High Tensile Strength (It has a strength of 275 MPa or more, making it strong for heavy use)
  • Good Elongation (It can stretch up to 20%, which helps improve impact strength and flexibility during shaping)
  • Rust Resistant
  • Anodizing Strength
  • Weakness in Low Temperatures
  • Weather Resistance


Applications of 3104 Aluminum Bar

  • Can Manufacturing
  • Packaging



4000 Series Aluminum Bar


4005 Aluminum Bar

The 4005 aluminum bar is not as common in construction as the 6000 or 7000 series. This is due to its different mix of metals. The 4005 alloy lacks key strengthening elements, such as magnesium and zinc, that are found in high-strength series.

Key Features

  • The high silicon content in 4005 aluminum allows for better casting. It lowers the melting point and reduces shrinkage compared to pure aluminum. This makes it great for casting.
  • Improved casting properties.


Applications of 4005 Aluminum Bar

  • Casting Applications



5000 Series Aluminum Bar


(1). 5019 Aluminum Bar

The 5019 aluminum bar is made from aluminum and magnesium. It also contains some manganese and chromium. This mix helps it resist seawater and industrial chemicals. It performs well in difficult environments.

Key Features

  • High resistance to rust
  • Strong mechanical features
  • Good flexibility and shape
  • Works well in cold temperatures
  • Good for ocean use
  • Used in factories
  • Parts for building things


(2). 5052 Aluminum Bar

The 5052 aluminum bar is a helpful alloy made mainly of magnesium and a small amount of chromium. This combination makes it easy to work with and stronger when shaped. Due to its excellent qualities, it is used in various engineering tasks.

Key Features

  • Magnesium and Chromium Content (It has 2.5% magnesium and 0.25% chromium. These elements make it easy to work with. They provide medium strength and great wear resistance.)
  • Good for Welding
  • Resists Rust
  • Low Weight and Heat Movement
  • Can Become Stronger With Use


Applications of 5052 Aluminum Bar

  • Tanks that keep pressure
  • Wall Claddings
  • Connected structures
  • Car bodies
  • Seats and tables



(3). 5056 Aluminum Bar

The 5056 aluminum bar is mostly made of aluminum and magnesium. It belongs to the 5000 series, which is known for its aluminum-magnesium content.

Magnesium makes the alloy stronger. It is better than regular ones like 3003. This alloy cannot be heated up to make it stronger, but it is still strong and easy to shape. This makes it good for making items like cold headings, wire forms, and hinge pins. It also stands up well to damage from rust, so it can be used in tough spots like salt water.

Key Features

  • Magnesium Amount
  • Not Heat Treatable
  • Good Shape Ability
  • Strong Against Rust


Applications of 5056 Aluminum Bar

  • Cold Heading
  • Wire Shapes
  • Hinge Pins
  • Marine Areas


(4). 5082 Aluminum Bar

The 5082 aluminum bar is a tough mix of aluminum and magnesium. It contains a lot of magnesium and a little manganese and chromium. This makes the alloy resistant to seawater and chemicals. Because of this, it is ideal for harsh environments.

Key Features

  • It has a high ability to resist corrosion.
  • It is very strong and can handle stress well.
  • You can weld it easily.
  • It is flexible and can be shaped easily.


Applications of 5082 Aluminum Bar

  • Ocean Habitats
  • Industrial Areas
  • Connected Buildings




6000 Series Aluminum Bar


(1). 6005 Aluminum Bar

The 6005 aluminum bar is part of the 6000 series of aluminum. It is mostly used for making extrusions. However, it can also be forged or rolled. Heating it can make it stronger, but it will be a little less flexible.

6005 is the middle grade between 6061 and 6082 aluminum. It is easier to shape than 6082 aluminum and has a better feel on the surface. However, it is not great for tricky shapes. Overall, the 6005 aluminum bar is a strong option for many projects. It offers a good balance of strength, ease of use, and looks.

Key Features

  • Various Ways to Use in Processing
  • Reliable Performance
  • Great for Extrusions


Applications of 6005 Aluminum Bar

  • Parts for Building
  • Shaped Pieces
  • Made and Flat Pieces


(2). 6013 Aluminum Bar

The 6013 aluminum bar is a helpful metal blend. It has decent strength and is easy to shape. This metal mix also stands up well to rust. Many industries use it, including aerospace, because of its strong qualities.

Key Features

  • Medium strength
  • Great formability
  • High protection from rust
  • Can be heat-treated and welded


Applications of 6013 Aluminum Bar

  • Cars and Transport
  • Parts of Buildings
  • Valves and Machine Parts



(3). 6026 Aluminum Bar

The 6026 aluminum bar is a strong mix of metals. It is great at resisting rust. It works well for shiny and tough finishes. This alloy is ideal for places where appearance and strength matter a lot.

Key Features

  • Corrosive Resistance
  • Works great with anodizing
  • Small amount of tin



  • Decorative Finishes
  • Hard Anodized Parts
  • Corrosive Resistance Parts


(4). 6060 Aluminum Bar

The 6060 aluminum bar is made from a blend of aluminum, magnesium, and silicon. It is known for being strong and easy to shape. This alloy is great for construction projects that require both good performance and a pleasing appearance.

The 6060 aluminum bar belongs to the 6000 series. It is similar to 6063 aluminum. However, it has less magnesium.

The 6060 aluminum bar is not commonly used for casting. However, it is great for extrusion, forging, and rolling. It doesn’t get stronger with work hardening, but you can heat-treat it to increase its strength. This process may reduce its flexibility. So, it is a good choice when you need both shape and strength.

Key Features

  • Guard against Rust
  • Simple to Shape
  • Can be Treated with Heat


Application of 6060 Aluminum Bar

  • Uses in building
  • Design parts
  • Shaping and forming


(5). 6061 Aluminum Bar

The 6061 aluminum bar is a popular type of aluminum that is strong and can bend easily. It mainly includes magnesium and silicon. This mix is known for its strength, ability to be heated and cooled, and how easy it is to handle.

Key Features

  • High strength and flexibility.
  • Good for welding.
  • Heat Treatable: Available in multiple pre-tempered grades, including:
    • 6061-O: Made soft for great flexibility.
    • 6061-T6: Treated and aged for high strength.
    • 6061-T651: Treated, stress-relieved, and aged for even more strength and less stress.


Applications of 6061 aluminum bar

  • Parts of a Structure
  • Cutting and Creating
  • Coated Sections



(6). 6063 Aluminum Bar

The 6063 aluminum bar is known for being really tough against damage. It can be shaped easily, too. This alloy is mainly made of magnesium and silicon. It offers a smooth finish and makes shaping simple.

Key Features

  • A great defense against rust
  • A nice ability to easily form
  • A smooth and clear surface finish



  • Architectural Uses
  • Extrusion Projects
  • Lightweight Structures



7000 Series Aluminum Bar


(1). 7005 Aluminum Bar

7005 aluminum bar is a tough alloy that doesn’t rust much. It is ideal for making items used in transportation and water settings because it welds easily.

This bar has a strength in tension of 350 MPa and a strength in fatigue of 150 MPa. It has a density of 2.78 g/cm³. Unlike other aluminum alloys, it doesn’t require precipitation hardening and can cool down in air.

Key Features

  • Good Quality
  • Corrosion Resistance
  • Simple to Use


Applications of 7005 Aluminum Bar

  • Structures at Sea
  • Parts for Transport
  • Engineering for Buildings
  • Gear for Sports
  • General Industrial Use


(2). 7050 Aluminum Bar

The 7050 aluminum bar is an alloy that can be heat-treated. It is known for its toughness and strength. It can resist stress corrosion cracking very well. This makes it a popular choice for tough jobs in the aerospace industry.

Key Features

  • Strong and tough
  • Good at conducting electricity
  • Less affected by quenching than 7075 aluminum, which helps it stay strong in thick spots
  • Resistant to rust
  • Very tough


Applications of 7050 Aluminum Bar

  • Aerospace Industry (Good for bulkheads, fuselages, wing skins, and other important parts)
  • Structural Parts
  • Automotive Industry
  • Military and Defense
  • General Industrial Use



(3). 7075 Aluminum Bar

The 7075 aluminum bar is a high-quality alloy. It is famous for its strong features and high strength. This makes it excellent for important construction uses. The main alloy in it is zinc. This alloy offers a unique blend of strength, toughness, and other benefits.

Key Features

  • High Strength
  • Good flexibility and lasting strength
  • Can resist wear and tear


Composition of 7075 Aluminum Bar

  • Zinc: 5.6 to 6.1%
  • Magnesium: 2.1 to 2.5%
  • Copper: 1.2 to 1.6%
  • Other Elements


Available Tempers

  • 7075-0: This type is annealed, so it is easy to shape.
  • 7075-T6: This type is heat-treated and aged. It has the most strength.
  • 7075-T651: This type is heat-treated, gently stretched to reduce stress, and aged. It has high strength and less internal stress.


Application of 7075 Aluminum Bar

  • Airplane Industry
  • Armed Forces and Defense
  • Building Engineering
  • Car Industry
  • Water Services
  • Sports Gear



(4). 7175 Aluminum Bar

Aluminum bar 7175 is a tough type of aluminum. It is part of the 7000 series. This series is known for having zinc as the main ingredient mixed into the alloy.

The 7175 aluminum bar is designed to be stronger than the 7075 aluminum bar. Still, it might be slightly weaker. This makes it a great option for key aerospace applications that require more strength.

Key Features

  • High Strength
  • Enhanced Toughness
  • Stress Resistance


Comparison to 7075 Aluminum Bar

While both 7175 and 7075 aluminum bars are strong, 7175 is tougher. This makes it a bit less strong than 7075. However, it is better for important tasks where durability and safety from impact are needed.

Applications of 7175 Aluminum Bar

  • Airplane Industry
  • Military Gear
  • Building Engineering
  • Car Industry
  • Marine Industry
  • Sports Gear



Why Choose Linsy

Linsy Aluminum is a leading provider of aluminum products. We help different industries like aerospace, general engineering, automotive, shipbuilding, and other special industrial uses.

We promise to maintain high quality and protect the environment. Linsy has achieved some cerfitications, including ISO 9001:2008 for quality management, ISO 14001:2004 for environmental management, and OHSAS 18001:2007 for health and safety at work.

Linsy Aluminum sells its products to Europe and many other regions. This includes South Africa, Brazil, Singapore, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, and several countries in South Asia.



Production Equipment




Linsy Aluminum Order Process



We are both a manufacturer and a distributor.
With over 20 years of experience in the aluminum industry, we have established ourselves as a reputable Chinese aluminum factory and distributor.
Whether you require standard aluminum products or customized solutions, we have the capabilities to fulfill your requirements efficiently and effectively.

Our aluminum products meet international quality standards such as ISO9001, SGS, and ASTM etc…
We prioritize quality in every step of production to ensure the highest product quality.
Our aluminum products meet and serve various industries’ standard, including construction, automotive, shipbuilding, marine engineering, packing, aerospace, electronics, and among others.

Yes, we offer customized aluminum products tailored to your specific requirements.

We accepted small batch order, and thus we don’t necessarily require MOQ to most of our standard aluminum products.

We accept various payment methods, including T/T, and L/C. Payment terms can be discussed based on your order.

Yes, we can provide samples of our aluminum products. Please request samples, and we will be happy to assist you.
We also very welcome customers from all over the world to visit our factories and warehouses in China.

We offer a thorough warranty policy. If there are any issues regarding the quantity or quality, the buyer need to report them within 60 days of receiving the goods at the discharging port.
If the complaint is valid, we will resolve it within 30 days by providing the agreed compensation amount.
For packaging problems resulting from rough handling during loading and unloading, please contact the insurance company directly.

Lead times vary by product and order quantity.
Please contact us for estimated lead times for your specific order. 

All our products are strictly tested for quality before packaging, and unqualified products will be destroyed. 

We have exported to America, India, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Australia, Dubai, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Kenya, and other African countries.
We have extensive experience in international logistics and can arrange shipping to your desired destination efficiently and cost-effectively.

Linsy Advantages

Linsy Aluminum is a leading supplier of aluminum processing products, serving diverse industries including aerospace, general engineering, automotive, marine, shipbuilding and other specialized industrial applications.

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and environmental responsibility, as demonstrated by our certifications: ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and SGS.

SIGN UP the Form Today! Discover Your Premium Aluminum Solutions With Linsy Alu.